Deputy Director Lu Zaigui and other leaders visited shino new materials for inspection and investigation

Time:2021-11-08 01:43:00

        On the afternoon of March 15, 2017, Lu Zaigui, Deputy Director of the Science and Technology and Quality Division of Jiangsu Economic and Information Technology Commission, Wang Zhenda, Director of the Science and Technology and Quality Division of Changzhou Economic and Information Technology Commission, Wang Xiaodong, Director of the Economic Development Bureau of Wujin Economic Development Zone and other leaders The delegation visited our company for inspection and investigation. Our company's executive deputy general forest species, production director Han Enlin, and quality manager Chen Jinmei received the visiting leaders.

        Director Han Enlin gave a detailed introduction to the visiting leaders about the company's current trial production and commissioning, the construction of the 100-ton line, and the market prospects of the company's existing series of products. Deputy Director Lu highly affirmed the company's current development and achievements; at the same time, he suggested that our company continue to strengthen product promotion. The provincial and municipal leaders also introduced to our company related industry support policies such as the promotion of new products and the application of new technologies, and hoped to fit the policy guidance and provide support for faster and better development of enterprises.
        We believe that with the support and affirmation of government leaders at all levels, Jiangsu Shino New Material Technology Co., Ltd. will develop faster, more stable and better through the joint efforts of all employees.